Sunday, May 11, 2014

Young Voices Day: A Day of Excitement and Fun

-Rhidam Vaikunth, VP Public Relations, Shrewsbury YVGC Club

The annual Young Voices Day is being organized by JagoWorld Inc. at Walpole Public Library, 143 School St, Walpole, MA 02081. The event is on May 17th, 2014 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This will be the day when the parents and community members will get to listen to the members speak on various topics.. It is a day for all members to showcase their progress through the beginning of the club to the completion of a successful year. Also , it is a great opportunity for people who are not enrolled yet to attend this event and see if they would like to try to join the public speaking club. 
In this club students learn how to speak effectively from a great instructor. They learn good habits as well as not so good habits which they should avoid. Members do mock interviews to prepare for the future interests of the subject. They learn, serve and lead in the club so everyone is involved.

Young Voices Gavel Club (YVGC) and Young Voices Junior Club (YVJR) ensure that your child always has fun in everyday life and always learns something new. The club makes sure that your child will speak effectively all the time, anywhere, and at any occasion, so people will always stay entertained and engaged with their speech. During the club every student helps each other out so every student becomes a better speaker with everyone’s help in the club.

The club is designed for grade 1 through 12 and is held on weekends in Sharon and Shrewsbury MA and JagoWorld Inc. plans to open more clubs in the future.

On Young Voices Day the students will demonstrate what they have learned by presenting a speech which they have worked very hard on throughout the year. Every member of the club will present their speech. Chief Guests of the event will also be presenting motivational speeches to inspire young leaders to challenge themselves and will encourage them to learn, serve, and lead. 

The Chief Guests for this event are:Bal Ram Singh, PhD , Executive Mentor, School of Indic Studies, Professor and Director, Botulinum Research Center, Institute of Advanced Sciences; Jonathan Monterecy COO at Ripple Funding and Gauri Chandna, President and Founder , ATFS Learning Center, Co-founder and Host The Foundations TV and Author of the Book SPARKS

After every student gives a speech the students will present a short entertaining skit that they have created for everyone to enjoy. It should bring lots of laughter.

Please contact Arun Chaudhari, He can be reached by email at or by phone at 617-512-0073. Attached is the endorsement and congratulatory letter from Governor Patrick.