Monday, May 12, 2014

Summer - a time to relax and yet stay occupied

Summer is a time to relax and rejuvenate. All kids look forward to the school year ending so they can spend more time playing outdoors, and feeling what nature has to offer to them.  From walks to sprinklers, from frogs to swings, from sand to winds, the tiny hands touch and feel various textures of nature. The weather gets warm and there’s more yard sales and lemonade stands to work at. Family trips to beaches, mountains, and natural parks make summer so much fun for the kids. Out of country trips to meet family and friends overseas are common during this time of the year as well. All said and done, summer is a time to make beautiful memories and let the brain rest for bit, yes only for a bit. Though all this is so much awaited and so much needed after the long winter months,  soon the house starts to echo words like, “I’m bored”. If that sounds familiar, as parents you have probably already started looking around for camp options.
A camp that
·        Offers day time, home-like coziness, and flexibility to your kids.
·        That can mix and match fun with a little bit of learning.
·        Keeps your children brilliantly occupied while you get through your work day
·        Works with your child the way you would want to, if you were home
·        Offers field trips to local museums
·        And makes summer a time to learn, have fun and make new friends

ATFS learning center offers summer camps starting July 14th. Once the kids are through the initial excitement of having ‘no school’ , they are ready to come out and explore more. They are ready to mingle and go for day trips as well as keep their brains active. These camps at ATFS learning center in Shrewsbury have been designed, executed and improved over a period of 12 years. Each year families choose to send their kids of ages 5 – 12 to ATFS for 6 weeks in the summer to enjoy, relax, re-energize and get a head start to the next academic year.

All details of the camp are available on their website . Children may sign up for all 6 weeks, or one week at a time. Daily and half day options are also available. For those who sign up for full day, full week before May 15th, early bird discount of $50.00 per week enrolled will be applied.