Friday, September 27, 2013

Chat with members of Young Voices Gavel/Junior club

Transcribed by : Mallika Biswas
Gauri – Hello everybody! Welcome to Foundations TV. Our guest today is Abhi Jain, who is a very enthusiastic member of the Toastmasters Club from Shrewsbury which has been running for over a year now. This is run at the ATFS Learning Center. So, welcome to Foundations TV  , Abhi.
Abhi – Thank you for having me.                                                                                                          
Gauri – You’re very welcome.  Why don’t we start talking about the club . Let’s tell our audiences what your experiences has been and how long you’ve been part of this club and how does it work.
Abhi – OK Sure. So I have started this club in Shrewsbury one year ago and my experiences have been great. I have learnt a lot about public speaking and I have been able to make a lot of friends and it has been a great experience. So, the club is basically a group of 6 graders to 12 graders .We meet every week and we practice public speaking in a variety of different ways from games , debates, table topics and of course speeches. So, the club is basically run with the set up as one speech per week with added games and debates every week also and occasionally we also do some table topics.

Gauri – Wonderful! Did you think that being part of this club actually built your confidence in public speaking?
Abhi – Oh definitely. Before I was always nervous and embarrassed about what I was going to say, but after joining the club, I learnt techniques to avoid that embarrassment and definitely built up my confidence. So, I was able to deliver the speeches with more confidence and definitely more………

Gauri – Just feel good about yourself and well prepared, is that what it is?
Abhi –  Yeah.
Gauri – OK, good, that is very nice. So how large of an audience have you addressed?
Abhi – So, last year at the end of the Gavel Club, we were giving speeches to an audience of about 100 people. So actually I took a lighter side for my speech and did a Barack Obama impersonation.
Gauri – Oh, wow! That would be something to watch for sure and may be even repeat sometime for us.
Abhi – Definitely.
Gauri – OK, Great . I also hear that this club is ready to kick off once again this year and there is something special this year .So what is that something special that we are doing this year.
Abhi – So, this year instead of just the Young Voices Gavel Club from 6th graders to  12th graders  , we are also adding a Young Voices Junior Club which is for  1st graders to 5th graders. So, we are trying to get these kids into our club and build their foundation for public speaking so that once they enter middle school , high school and through their adult life, they can have the skills to deliver when they have to speak in front of an audience.

Gauri – That’s super exciting. I think the philosophy is excellent to get them prepared way ahead of time and it works in sync with the ATFS learning philosophy as well. So, I think that’s a great initiative. So, are you going to be involved with the Young Voices Junior Club as well?
Abhi – Yes, I will be teaching the Young Voices Junior Club and it will definitely be a learning experience for me also because I have never taught such young students before but I am looking forward to it and I am really excited.

Gauri – That’s really nice. So do you have a minimum number of students that you need absolutely to start this club?
Abhi - Yes, we are going to need five students to start this club and as the club gets started and as we continue we are always looking to add more people and definitely spread the word of this club.

Gauri – From  what I remember, that’s what happened last year too – you started with a smaller group and as it progressed through the year , it expanded a lot because a lot of other people got interested and they wanted to join it and it came out to be a nice decent sized group at the end of the year.
Abhi – Definitely, last year we had leadership, so we had a President, a Vice President  and other leaders and we were able to expand our club through newspaper articles , spreading the word- through word of mouth and it was great because we were able to have 5 or 6 more people at the end of the year.

Gauri – Excellent! That’s all really good information and we invite all our viewers to definitely come to an Open House which is happening on Sunday the 29th September from 10 am to 11 am. So do definitely come in. Abhi are you going to be available to talk to perspective members of the club?
Abhi – Sure.

Gauri – OK,  great!  He will be there and he will be able to answer any questions that you have and the open house once again is on Sunday the 29th from 10 am to 11 am. Thank you so much Abhi for sharing such good information with us today.
Abhi – Thank you.

Gauri – Our next guest today is a young one who is part of the Young Voices Junior Club and has been part of that for 2 years now. We have Abha Chaudhury who is from Sharon, and she is going to share with us today some good experiences of hers with this Young Voices Junior Club. So, tell us something about the club. What’s fun and what do you like about it?
Abha – Ah, I mostly like the debates because you get to take “somebody down”. You get to show them you are the boss! So I guess  there is one experience where there are 2 famous books – I think you know, the first one is called “Harry Potter” and the second one is called “ Percy Jackson” and so there is a show down  and in the final round – it was  me versus another guy and I was Percy Jackson and he was Harry Potter.

Gauri – So, was it a debate?
Abha – Yes.
Gauri – OK.
Abha – We had to tell why our book was better than the other one and so I guess the debate takes about 2 minutes and Percy Jackson won.
Gauri – Great! So was it a team or was it individually done.
Abha –Well, First it starts out as teams, then it becomes 2 individuals .
Gauri – OK. How many kids are there in the club?
Abha – I think there’s about five.
Gauri – OK. Did you make some special friends in the group as well?
Abha – Yes, there was one girl, her name is Navya.

Gauri – Great! At the end of the year, do you have some presentation or something in front of a larger audience?
Abha – Yes, at the end of the year, we have something called a picnic and it would be picked at some park I think. Last year we had it in our house as it was raining. So, year before that it was a very good experience. It was at Borderland Park. It’s very beautiful there.

Gauri – Did you get to speak for Public Speaking? Did you get to talk in front of an audience as part of the group as well?
Abha – Yes, you had to prepare a speech and I think the one there was “what’s your interest”.

Gauri – OK. So do you like talking in front of the audience?
Abha – Yes.
Gauri – Or, do you get nervous?
Abha – Well at first I was nervous, but you know the club helps, so….

Gauri – That’s good to know and I think that opinion of yours will be really helpful for our audiences who are watching today and who are probably thinking of joining the Shrewsbury Young Voices Junior Club which is scheduled to start pretty soon. So, that will be great and I definitely invite you for the open house next week as well for Sunday the 29th of September, in case we have young people come in and they have questions. So, definitely come over and help them out with understanding how the club works.

Abha – Yes, definitely.

Gauri – Sounds good. Thank you so much Abha for joining us and the Foundations TV today.

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