Transcribed by: Sunayana Kachroo
Gauri : Welcome to the foundations Tv. Our guest is Rajeev Kumar who is the founding member of an organization Snehalaya , which has been working for few decades for women and children in distress
Gauri : Welcome to the foundations Tv. Our guest is Rajeev Kumar who is the founding member of an organization Snehalaya , which has been working for few decades for women and children in distress
My interaction with Rajeev was at Meena Sundarama’s house
when we met for the first time during a meeting for Sahab Bibi aur Guru Dutt.
Before I even Welcome Rajiv, I have to say that one of the things that he did
really well there was the way he presented Snehlaya to us. He captivated the
audience and it almost felt like a conversation with each one of us. He walked
us though the growth of the organization, how it was founded, and how well it
has evolved. I think it is such an interesting story.
While I welcome you to foundations TV, that’s what I would like
to start with. I would love to hear from you about Snehalaya. I would like to
know why was it started , when was it started and where is it today.
Rajeev: Thank You Gauri ,first of all I thank you for
giving me an opportunity to be here at Foundations studio. You guys are doing
an amazing job. As far as Snehalaya goes
, it goes back to 1989, when a school going kid Girish Kulkarni had the desire
to do something for the children of commercial sex workers. He had his own
inspiration, he had his own vision about it . We were a group of friends who met
with him and Snehalaya was born in his house and his heart. We started working
with a few children at Chitragali…which is a red light area in Ahmednagar. The
purpose was to break nexus and the cycle in which these children are
caught. These children have been
conceived to be either commercial sex workers or to be pimps. That’s why their
mothers conceive them. We wanted to break that cycle. It was very hard to
penetrate in those red light areas. It took us many months, I would say years to win the trust and confidence of the mothers
of the pimps and goons and of the gurus and underworlds who operate from red
light areas. We were young, I was completing my engineering and Girish was
finishing his graduation from college, so I think it was very challenging for
us. We never thought that we will be doing so many things. When I look back I
don’t think we had a grand vision but I think over period of time, the need
made us grow and do different things. So today, when we look back we see
Snehalaya as a very powerful force in the society. We have been working for
various groups and maybe I can walk you thought some of the key projects if you
want. So we started Snehalaya for Children of commercial sex workers. We
realized that we were not being able to make a significant difference in their
lives by just giving them some interaction and exposure because they ultimately
went back home to their mother’s house. So, we thought we will build a home for
them. We had no money , we had no land , all we had was a desire. There was one
gentle man Mr. Mutha, he was very kind and he said that you guys are young and
if you guys do a good job, I will give you more land here is an acre of land. That’s
where we started and we got our first bunch of 6-7 kids in 1997, in this home. It was constructed in 45,000 Rupees
which is like $1000 today or less than
that probably. Then, very soon we started getting children that were HIV
positive and we decided that we should create a separate section for HIV
infected children and women. So, one of the first hospital or care centre for
HIV affected patients was created. Quickly, we saw that a lot of people were
calling us that this child is being abused , trafficked, exploited
and can you do something. So we set up 24/7 help line which is like 911
here in America. Unfortunately, we don’t have something like that in India. So,
we started helpline and started rescuing children. It has been an amazing journey. Today we get almost 200-250
calls , and our people go and rescue them. It is full of action. A lot of our
young volunteers want to be part of such projects. Later on It was I think late
2000, when we started getting calls that “we have found a baby in a dumpster,
we have found baby at a police station, we have found baby wrapped in a
news paper, 2-4 days old babies. Would
you guys come and help?” We didn’t know what to do with them. Then we decided to set up an adoption centre. You
will be glad to know that over 300 children
have been given new set of parents and a family and a home across the
world and I have some of those children here in
America. Some are in India and some in other parts of the world. Somewhere
in 2004, if I am not wrong, we thought that urbanization is really changing the
demographics of the country and too many slums were coming up. In 2020-25
almost 20- 25% of India’s population will be living in slums. So we decided
that we should do something in the slums because slums make the real
recruitment ground for women who were going in for commercial sex, for pimps, for
underworld, for terrorism and for many vices of the society. So, we have now
started something called as Balbhavan which operates in 5 different slums in Ahmednagar and also one in Pune
where we groom and take care of the entire family on aspects of education ,
health ,literacy, then de-addiction, and saving patterns. We have built some self help groups and
vocational training for women. That was Bal-Bhavan.
After Bal Bhavan we have seen that more and more cases of
the demand and need for women training, is
coming up. Lot of women want to come out of that trade. So we are focusing on
skills and are providing them new skills. I think we have a long way to go. We
are trying to create a Himmatgram which is another 20 acres of campus which
will be one of its kind. This will be an integrated campus for HIV infected
people. Lastly, which was done this year, we have created a platform to help
women who have been raped which is called Spraha . We did that launch just few
months back where we try to provide counseling, legal help and medical help to
women who unfortunately have gone through this trauma.
So that’s the story of Snehalaya . It can go on forever, but
I will like to stop here.
Gauri: This is
indeed very-very touching. You know, it is very easy listening to success
stories but anytime I have heard you before and I am hearing you today, I feel
like this is something that is so close to the ground. I have seen some videos
of women who gone through so much. It requires a lot of courage and a lot of
persistence , dedication and lot of sincerity to believe in a cause like this
and to continue to work towards the betterment of women and children. These are
areas that most of us would shy away from because we are happy in our lives. We
are doing things that keep us happy and getting what we want from our lives and
to come out of that mode, to be able to feel how those people might be feeling and do something about that, I
think it is such a touching journey. So,
kudos to you and your team, definitely
for coming where you are today.
Gauri: Rajeev,
from what I understand, you have also written a book about Snehalya and its
work . Could you tell us a little bit about it .
Rajeev : Yes , we
just launched a book titled “Defying Destinies”. It is actually a compilation
of all the case studies, of the rescues
that we have done in last 7-8 years, best practices, learnings that we have
had, what we did right , and what we didn’t do right. May be, it will be a
great guide for other NGO’s who are working in this field. One very interesting
judgment is there in that book which was given by high court –to life
imprisonment for almost 20 people in trafficking case of two minor girls. Please
read it and I would love to give it to you.
Gauri: I would certainly
love to read it myself and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking
to work in an NGO or has any desire to learn from this process. So, how would
they get hold of this book?
Rajeev: We did not have any publisher. Snehalaya is
the publisher. It is on our website and we would love to ship it to you. If you
want it, you can send an email to
, we will send it you.
Gauri : I have
watched the first episode of Satyamay Vijayate which was the TV serial by Aamir
khan and the first episode itself was on female feticide and Aamir Khan had
endorsed your organization Snehalaya, which is pretty commendable. I want to understand
from you, what that endorsement means to you. Of course, it means a whole lot for someone who is
looking into organization but being inside the organization what does it mean
to you?
Gauri: Wonderful
and you have also shared some of the pictures with us which are part of this
presentation,. We would also put together a powerpoint presentation or a slide
show to share with our audiences all the
phenomenal work that has been endorsed by Aamir Khan that you do at Snehalaya.

Rajeev: Well, the
obvious answer is that it financially benefits the organization but more than
that you may look towards these events as an embracement of our team ,our work
and we feel that more and more people are part of Snehalaya family. I would
welcome all the people who are coming for that event to Snehalaya. If you are
coming to India, please visit Snehalaya at Ahmednagar. It is around 180 kms
from Mumbai. We would love to have you there. Our children would love to have
you there. We run a radio that is Snehalaya radio. It is an FM channel. We
would love to play that event for our children and for people there at
Ahmednagar to show how much love and affection we are getting in Boston. Thank
you to Meena Sundaram , to you and to the entire team. It is a very big team
that’s trying to put together this show. Thank you very much.
Gauri: Thank you
so much . That really makes us feel very special. All the effort becomes really
really authentic by listening to everything that you have shared with us today
. So, thank you so much for coming and I would personally like to wish you good
luck. I know after spending 10 years in this country, you are moving back to
India only for this cause and your dedication towards this cause. We are very
proud of you as a community and we wish you all the very best from The Foundations
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